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This is a new revised edition. The previous version has worked hard within the Record Houses over the past few years. A number of cards and imagery has changed and to reflect new work and focuses within the Akashic Records. This beautiful live deck now also has gold edging and expanded information.  

This beautiful Oracle Deck has been created by Master Akashic Librarian Amanda Romania.
Amanda has been a spiritual teacher and mentor for many decades and created this deck and the Akashic Records Therapy method to assist clients and students to access The Akashic Records, The Halls of Amenti and The Libraries of Light to assist with  greater clarity in life as well as healing, clearing and providing clear direction through accessing your own personal Records and life path information.

Special introductory MP4 to assist with the specific yet simple method to work with this unique Oracle Live deck to enable you to work effectively and safely in the Record Houses. 
Video link:

Akashic Records Oracle

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